Let's move! Coaching with Aurélie
Looking ahead, how would you like to be?
Pushed by your backlog? Or pulled by your dream?
Sometimes it feels impossible to build new habits, keep it, face your fears,
and tape into what you deeply want..
...until you're coached to do it...WHY
Anyone can create a perfect work-life balance.
Are you wondering why you're always trying to save time?
Do you want to feel more energised?
Would you like to live your life without having to sacrifice your personal values?
Are you still figuring out what you deeply want?
Are you looking for more confidence?
Live a fulfilling life includes to work on different steps.
Desires > Fears
Identify what you want
During our sessions, we find what you want more and what's blocking you from having what you want. After our sessions, you'll feel more confident to follow your desires.
Energy management
Learn to know yourself a bit more every day
During our sessions, we identify precisely where you gain and loose energy in your daily life. After our sessions, you'll be able to adapt your daily life step by step.
Body & Mind alignment
Cultivate mindfulness practices
During our sessions, we identify mindfulness practices that fit in your daily life in order to nourish you. After our sessions, you'll feel autonomous to practice them.
Life balance
Learn how to build tiny habits and how to keep it
During our sessions, we work on building tiny habits in order to create a better balance. After our sessions, you'll know how to create new habits, starting by tiny steps.
You will get confidence and master tools to cultivate
the Work~Life balance you deserveWHO I AM
Aurélie Le Guillou
Life & Professional Coach
10 years of experience working with women
30min Free Exploratory Session
1,00 €Book your exploratory session.
We'll go over :
- what it is that you want ? What are you looking to achieve or resolve ?
- what are the things that are blocking you from having the things you want ?
- what's a next step to move forward ?QuantitéBientôt disponibleIMPULSE unique session
99,00 €Pay for one independant 90min session. We go over :
- what it is that you want? What are you looking to achieve or resolve?
- what are all the things that are blocking you from having the things you want?
- what the evidence will be to let you know that you’ve achieved it. What will you be seeing, hearing, feeling and experiencing that will indicate you’ve gotten the things you’ve said you wanted?
- what's the next step to move forward?QuantitéBientôt disponibleDARE Coaching Package ~
450,00 €5 personal coaching sessions to deep dive into designing your Work~Life balanceQuantitéBientôt disponibleTRANSFORM Coaching Package ~ 3-6 months
999,00 €10 personal coaching sessions to design the work~life balance you really deserve
15 min weekly callsQuantitéBientôt disponibleARTICLE MEDIUM
Sandra - RH manager Airbus 34 years old Toulouse
I was coached by Aurelie while in an assignment in the United States. Aurelie helped me clarify my values and goals, to get the most of my work experience abroad and grasp the resources available around me in terms of innovation, personal and professional development. Her ability to listen and adapt our exchange to my needs whether personal or professional sustainably changed the way I communicate and interact with my environment. Most importantly, she helped me understand the value of intuition in making mindful work and life choices. I definitely recommend her for anyone willing to shake things up in their life and get results!
Caroline - Mum & Entrepreneur 41 years old Montpellier
Je suis vraiment contente des résultats obtenus. Quand je t'ai contacté, j'avais besoin d'un coup de pied aux fesses, besoin de découvrir de nouvelles techniques pour m'organiser à la maison avec mes enfants et mon mari et j'avais envie d'apprendre à méditer.
En 4 mois, je me sentais armée de nouvelles approches de communication grâce aux petits outils de communication non violente abordés pendant nos sessions (arrêter de dire "il faut" tout le temps, ou arrêter de dire "tu n'as pas fait ça" ou "tu devrais faire ça" à mes proches plutôt que d'exprimer mes demandes à la première personne. Depuis nos sessions, je médite également dans la voiture après avoir amené les enfants à l'école. C'est mon moment privilégié qui me permet de prioriser mes actions au quotidien, de les classer selon leur degré d'importance et/ou d'urgence et ainsi d'être satisfaite à la fin de ma journée du réalisé.
Marianne - UX designer Paris 35 years old
Meeting Aurélie as a coach was a blessing to me. She helped me define life priorities, live a balance between business and personal as well as recognize whenever a pivot is a must to move forward. Our sessions lasted 6 monthes and we kept our monthly checkin afterwards for a follow-up. Do not hesitate, just take it and move forward. Life is short.
Rosa - Workspace Manager Sydney 29 years old
Aurélie and I were in a year long coaching-coachee relationship together in San Francisco. I was impressed by her project management background and she combined her business experience with exquisite coaching skills to help me as an entrepreneur create a nourishing daily life so I can reach my goals, improve my professional and personal relationships and find fulfilment by making a meaningful contribution in the world.
Morgane - Shop owner 38 years old
Ce que j'ai adoré le plus en travaillant avec Aurélie, c'est de mettre en place des petits jeux à tester à la maison et au magasin au quotidien avec mes clients. Après chacune de nos sessions, j'avais un petit jeu qui était lancé avec Aurélie, avec un décompte de points à l'appui et chaque jour je lui envoyais un texto pour valider ou non l'exploration. Depuis, j'ai l'impression que tous mes soucis peuvent être approchés par du jeu si je me pose et réfléchis à comment je veux rendre la situation plus drôle et quelle règle du jeu je peux poser. Le jeu a été le meilleur moyen d'explorer mes peurs et de dépasser des obstacles que je n'aurais pas osé dépasser sans cette dimension.
Aude - Accenture Consultant London 30 years old
A friend of mine told me about her work. We met in London and started working on designing a healthier work-life balance. I had all my attention on my carreer at that time and needed physical exercices. I learnt to meditate every morning and started to walk 30 minimum every day. After one month, I was feeling more energised, after two months I was starting a new relationship, after six months I knew I wanted to create an ethical clothing brand.
Audrey - Digital project manager Paris 31 years old
Aurélie is not someone who gives you answers. She's a very perceptive young lady who knows how to listen and share thoughtful insights to help you ask yourself meaningful questions, and take responsibility for the answers. You're in for an inspiring experience!
Marina - Entrepreneur 32 years old
Happy & insightful, working with Aurelie has had a great impact both on my professional and personal life. Aurelie helped me connect with my fears. This gave me the courage to undertake huge changes in my life and launch a new professional project.