• Women's coaching circle

    in partnership with ParisForHer

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    How to Create Successful Collaborations Through Connection

    How often do we get an opportunity to be real with each other?

    What if you knew the question to ask each time you want to move forward in a collaboration?

    Have you ever though about turning your problems into challenges and be guided to solve them from co-creative approaches?


    Imagine meeting each other in an environment where we are comfortable to be ourselves. That's what we're going to create.

    It's a refreshing change from the typical meeting, networking, conferences, or coffee machine conversation.

    Through 3 guided coaching & communication games, you'll have the opportunity to express your daily challenges and gain new (and maybe surprising) insight into yourself and others.

    ~ In this workshop, you will learn how to ask powerful questions, play, connect at a deeper level with other women, share professional challenges, and learn co-creative approaches to turn your issues into challenges. ~

    You can play at whatever level feels comfortable to you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, or answer any questions you don't want to answer.

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    How to create the work-life balance you desire and be successful?

    Do you want to take your business success to the next level?

    Are you hungry for deeper connection and creativity in the workplace?

    Do you sense more is possible than you're currently accessing at work and in life?

    We live and work in a world that values production, the logical and the linear. The biggest challenge for Aurélie those last 4 years has been to cultivate her intuitive mind and to learn to operate from feeling for being connected to business prospects, her partner or her co-founder.

    Aurélie is a Life Coach and practitioner of Orgasmic Meditation for 4 years. She created a methodology to design the work-life balance you desire. The way she operates both in her business and intimate life today is 180 degrees different than before. Come learn her secrets.

    In this workshop, you'll go through the different steps of her methodology.



    9.45 am: Welcoming time

    10am: Workshop starts (10.10am: doors are closed, be on time)

    10am - 10.15am: Body connection - posturology

    10.15am - 11am: Coaching circle « Desires > Fears - Identify what you really want »

    We work on your "Inner Contract" to find what you want more in life, and what's blocking you from having what you want. Have a look to what the Inner Contract is and start filling it here: http://www.flowher.net (section « Every adventure requires a first step »)

    11am - 11.45am: Energy management - Learn to know yourself more every day

    We work ou your "energy audit" to find where you gain and loose energy in your professional and personal life.

    Then, we work on how to adapt your daily life step by step to create a better balance.

    11.45am - 12.30am: Body & Mind alignment - Identify practices that fit you to create a better balance

    We use guided meditation to visualize your next steps and introduce practices like journaling, yoga, meditation, non violent communication, or orgasmic meditation as practices able to nourish you.

    This workshop is an introduction to what Aurélie does as a Life&Business Coach. You'll touch your inner power, get confidence, and master tools to cultivate the Work~Life balance you desire.


  • Le dimanche soir sur Montpellier tous les 15j

    Cercle de coaching entre femmes

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    Le cercle de femmes est un espace dédié à la rencontre de notre puissance féminine, à développer notre créativité, notre confiance en nous, notre sensualité, notre connaissance du corps, de nos cycles, à nous exprimer librement autour de nos relations au quotidien, de nos désirs, des polarités masculin/féminin, de la sexualité ou encore à créer des collaborations pouvant mener à de beaux projets que l'on n'ose pas forcément lancer seules.

    Un espace de connexion au travers des partages facilités et ponctué d’exercices pratiques de coaching, de mouvements corporels, de méditation, de lectures.

    Mon intention en tant que coach est de faciliter un moment d'échange ou chacune a la parole pour s’exprimer librement dans un cadre bienveillant.


    Le premier et troisième dimanche de chaque mois à Montpellier centre entre 18h et 19h30